Apart Hotel Montreal

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Apart Hotel Montreal offers the comfort and service of a hotel while providing you with the space and benefits of a fully furnished luxury apartment. Book one of our 15 apartments that can accommodate 1-8 guests in Montreal.

Visit one of our Apartment Suites by appointment at 2115 St-Urbain Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2X 2N1 (South of Sherbrooke W.)

Offices: 1500, St-Antoine West (East of Guy)

TXT/Cell: (514) 914-1774 Tel: (514) 935-6499

Cell: (514)  922-8888

Bur: 1 514 933-0947

Fax: 1 514 933-6105

E-mail: info@aparthotelmontreal.com

Mailing address:

1530 Docteur Penfield, suite 705 Montreal, (QC) Canada H3G 1C1

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